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Here is a random collection of photos from Macalester College, Debbie's alma mater:

The Campus Center, constructed in 2000, looks quite sharp. The old structure had been completely renovated when I was there in the early 80s, but apparently it needed to be replaced again. There was little to protest in the early 80s, so some students staged a protest about the proposed new brick pavilion. Their main objection was that it would cover up the grass (well, actually mostly mud) in front of the student center. Since then, an even larger brick pavilion was installed in front of the new building. As for me, I think it looks terrific, but I was very sad that the gift shop was closed on the day we visited in May 2001. We returned in October 2008 and stocked up on Macalester paraphernalia. By 2014, the gift shop had moved to a new bookstore across Snelling Avenue.

The Leonard Center was completed in 2008. In the early 80s, the Leonard Natatorium was built, and this new structure replaces that and the rest of the Macalester sports buildlings.


Ahhh, the campus rock, shown here in 2001, 2008, 2014, and 2018. This thing has been painted over so many times, it's hard to believe it isn't 10 feet tall by now. But wait - the 2018 version of the rock is clearly a different shape than the others, so it looks like they finally replaced it with a new one. Old photos from the early 80s verify that it was the same rock until then though.


I love this sculpture. It stands near the Fine Arts building, where I spent many hours working on an art major before realizing that computer science was my true calling. My favorite art teacher was my painting professor, the late Dr. Jerry Rudquist. His paintings are amazing, and I have a print of one of his paintings in my office and several originals in my home to remind me to leave art to the truly gifted.

Heading back in time to 1984, here I am on my graduation day with my three favorite Macalester computer science professors (l-r): Dr. Michael Schneider, Dr. Allan Kirch and Dr. Richard Molnar.

Debbie's Spotlight Photo, Freshman Year Debbie's Spotlight Photo, Sophomore Year Debbie's Spotlight Photo, Junior Year Debbie's Spotlight Photo, Senior Year

Macalester published a photo directory of all students each fall, conveniently alphabetized by first name. Although the photos weren't flattering, my friends and I spent hours looking through the Spotlight, checking out people we knew and people we wanted to get to know. Here are my unflattering photos, from freshman year through senior year (left to right).

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