Bundlings House Concerts: Teddy Goldstein and Andrew Kerr

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Bundlings House Concerts: [Main] [Performers] [Photos] [Video] [Christine Kane] [Edie Carey / Jennifer Marks] [Susan Werner] [Teddy Goldstein / Andrew Kerr] [Beth Lodge-Rigal / Kara Barnard / Wishing Chair] [Colleen Sexton / Trina Hamlin] [Kindred]


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Tom Bundy, Debbie Schilling, Andrew Kerr, Teddy Goldstein, Laura Combs and Tom Combs
The Bundlings House Concert staff with Andrew Kerr and Teddy Goldstein
April 20, 2002

Andrew Kerr and Teddy Goldstein

Video clips of their performance are available on our Video page.

Bundlings House Concerts: [Main] [Performers] [Photos] [Video] [Christine Kane] [Edie Carey / Jennifer Marks] [Susan Werner] [Teddy Goldstein / Andrew Kerr] [Beth Lodge-Rigal / Kara Barnard / Wishing Chair] [Colleen Sexton / Trina Hamlin] [Kindred]

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